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A Storm of Swords
George R.R. Martin

Like a Charm

Like A Charm - Mark Billingham, Lee Child, Peter Robinson, Karin Slaughter, Kelley Armstrong, Lynda La Plante, Jane Haddam, Denise Mina, John Harvey, John Connolly, Emma Donoghue, Laura Lippman, Fidelis Morgan, Peter Moore Smith, Jerrilyn Farmer I really did not enjoy reading this book. The book consists of 16 short stories in which appears a bracelet that brings bad luck to everyone that gets hold of it. I really like the idea of this but the authors just didn't make it work.

When you read this kind of book you expect that the stories are short, without too many details and complicated characters. And that's okay because there are 16 stories in one book, all written by a different author. But in this case it just seemed like important parts were missing in every story. It wasn't just that it was short, there were important things left out that were necessary to understand the story. I constantly felt like I had missed something so I had to flip back through the pages to see what I had missed. What also didn't increase my opinion about the book was that some stories were very, very weird. I mean, I like fantasy but this was just bad.

I also feel like there should have been said something about the bracelet itself, about the history or the purpose of the bracelet. I had hoped that every story would unravel something about the bracelet and that it would become clear why the bracelet brings bad luck. But no, absolutely nothing about the bracelet itself, only what charms hung on it. The point of it all seemed to be missing.